Dear Fellow Servants,
December was a month we had been looking forward to with the opportunity to spend time with family and friends as we remained local visiting churches within the state of Texas. Central Baptist Church began our month as we traveled to Center, Texas to visit with Pastor Dodson and his congregation. We continued that month presenting in Iglesia Bautista Puerta Abierta pastored by Moises Herrera in Dallas and Central Baptist church pastored by Jerald Chadwick in Amarillo. All of these churches were such a blessing and encouragement to us as we finalized our deputation for the year 2012.
I will be traveling alone to the Philippines for two and a half weeks in the month of January for the purpose of searching for land, meeting with building constructors, and government officials as we prepare to begin our ministry by the summer of 2013. All of these individuals are members of the church we will be working with, and I anticipate finalizing details for what is to come in the near future! I ask that you pray for wisdom in the many decisions that will come. May God bless you!
Sincerely, Jared, Elyssa, and Gabriella Zapata