Saturday, June 23, 2012

Power of Prayer

Dear Reader,
II Thessalonians 3: 1 “ Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:
                What is it that has allowed people to draw closer to God in a very personal way? What allows even the mightiest of men to fall to their knees in times of distress and weakness? What is it that brings us comfort and peace in a world of darkness and distress? Prayer, has the power to allow one to build a relationship with the One who has the ability to answer each and every request. We have been instructed and given an example in the Bible on how to pray and the importance of prayer in your every day life. With prayer we are able to talk directly to God, bringing not only our personal request and praises to Him but others that are close to our hearts.         
                As we continue our travels we cherish all the prayers that have been given on behalf of our ministry and dreams for Reaching the Next Generation. With each prayer I truly believe another door is opened that allows us to inch closer to the goals we have to accomplish for Jesus Christ. I think at times we lose sight of the importance and necessity of our prayers for others, but as the Scripture states through your prayers you are very much a part of the work that is being done for the Lord. With each and every prayer that you as a supporter, prayer warrior, and friend put forth, I truly believe the Lord not only blesses your efforts but the love you are showing for fellow servants in the Lord’s work. Together, on our knees before our Heavenly Father, we can be given the power to change the world with the Gospel.
                We drove into Jacksonville, Arkansas Saturday, June 2, and there began a five day missions camp at Bible Baptist Church pastored by Pastor Files. What a beautiful place it was as we drove onto the campsite and directed to our sleeping quarters. Throughout the week we were able to enjoy many great sermons from different speakers the main speaker being Pastor Cecil Ballard. With a spectacular balance of humor and Biblical truths, Pastor Ballard brought many great messages that encouraged all that were present. Pastor Files and his church members saw to our every need with such kindness, and throughout the week we were able to make many friends among them. Amongst these friends made were other young missionary couples, the Matt and Wynne families, with visions for their fields that God had laid on their hearts. What an exciting and eventful five days we had as my wife and I also celebrated our second wedding anniversary. I am truly blessed to have Elyssa as my beautiful wife who has been willing to sacrifice and be strong through our labors while on the road. She is truly the love of my life and I look forward to many more years together with her.
                May we each keep in mind that prayers lifted up for each other allows us to battle Satan on behalf of those we love. Each prayer being a defense set in place so that those we love can live and accomplish great things for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Celebrating 2 Years

Jacksonville, AR

Pastor C. Ballard

Fellowship after the Service

Jeremy, Cara & Philip Matt with us

Joe & Kella Wynne with us

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