Thursday, February 9, 2012

You Are The Completing Piece

Dear Reader,
            Many may think that their lives are two insignificant to make much of a difference. Perhaps some consider themselves but a small piece in even a bigger puzzle, but what we fail to realize is that without that piece the puzzle goes uncompleted. Each of our lives have meaning and with each day of our lives we can do everything we can to make a difference in the lives of others. The decision is ours to make. Will we allow God to use us to complete the will He has for us or will we decide to let this opportunity pass us by.   
            After a very busy week in the Philippines, I returned and we were on the road again! We had a lot of missions conferences already scheduled, the first being in Longview Baptist Temple. Pastor Bob Gray was gracious enough to have us be a part of his mission month and I had the great privilege to preach Wednesday night! It was such a great opportunity to stand behind the pulpit where many great men had stood before. Bro Bob Gray has been a great example in my life and I was overwhelmed with this chance! Elyssa also was able to see her dear friend DeAnna Gray who grew up together and were part of each other’s weddings. Thursday I attended some of the classes at Texas Baptist College and the chapel services where Missionary to West Africa, Bro. Holmes, preached an encouraging message to all the students of the college. After eating lunch with the students we went to the academy and had an hour of question and answer time with the young people. I thoroughly enjoyed that as we anticipated what sort of questions would come from the younger aged children. Questions from the first through third grades like “Are their banks and robbers there?” or “Did you see any sharks?” we found so delightful as their little minds raced for yet another question. Many, however, even from the younger grades had very good questions showing they had put much thought to them and some even had lists of questions in their hands. This was such a special time to be able to give them a visual of what life was like in the Philippines. The entire time we spent with Longview Baptist Temple was such a pleasure for us and felt very honored by their kindness and generosity.
            That night we were able to go out to eat with Josh and DeAnna and spend a great amount of time catching up with them. Josh and I were able to talk quite a bit, at least until my jet lag, which had been giving me a great amount of trouble that week, kicked in. He was very kind and both treated us to a wonderful night of conversation, food, and, best of all, friendship! We enjoyed them very much and appreciate all they did for us.
            God has allowed Elyssa and I to have such great relationships with people in many areas and deputation has simply added to this. We are so grateful for such a blessing to not only have the pleasure of doing God’s will for our lives but to meet so many others serving Christ with their lives.

Texas Baptist College Chapel

The Man, Jordan Gray

Sarah, Gabriella, Elyssa, Joanna

Wednesday Night

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